Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in September

If you are looking for the best summer month (even if it is not exactly the summer one) to come to Gran Canaria, September is the answer. The whole island is pretty sunny and hot to make your vacation perfect. It is also a great time for family vacation, as the weather is quite soft. What is more, September is known as the month of the incredibly beautiful views: the blue sky is filled with little fluffy clouds that make it look just great. So do not forget to bring your camera and to take some pictures.

The temperature in August varies from 24ºC to 27ºC. The daytime brings a lot of sunshine that you will be able to enjoy about 9 hours each day. There are nearly no rains. To be exact, there is usually the only rainy day, so you will not have to worry about bringing some waterproof clothes with you.

little fluffy clouds
Image by Yeskay1211 from Pixabay

August is also known as the month that offers the warmest sea. Its temperature is about 23ºC, making the waters perfect for swimming and participating in some water activities. If 23ºC is still not enough, choose the sheltered beach where you will have to swim out or dive down to find a cool layer.

sky is clear
Image by aniamineeva from Pixabay

If you come to Gran Canaria in September, do not miss a chance to visit Las Palmas city that becomes the top destination during this period. There are no clouds as in July and August, the sky is clear and the weather is perfectly fine. For calm waters and enormously big blue sky, come to Canteras Beach. If you want to explore the reef, this beach will provide you with such an advantage.

September in Gran Canaria is considered to be one of the softest months. It is a great period to spend the last minutes of summer, to relax before the beginning of term or office work. It is hot, it is sunny and incredibly beautiful!

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