Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in June

June is one of the most popular months to come to Gran Canaria. It offers visitors of the island an average 25ºC temperature, allowing you to get the desired golden tan. The evenings are warm as well – 20ºC. It makes June the perfect time to come to enjoy both sunbathing and exploring Gran Canaria’s dazzling nightlife.

to get the desired golden tan
Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

When it comes to attending the island’s beaches, you can enjoy both sunshine and comfortable swimming. You can simply forget about tiptoe moments, as the minimum temperature of waters gets to 21ºC. It is warm enough but still refreshing.

In June, the sun shines more than 9 hours a day and there are no rains at all. What is more, your sunbathing is guaranteed to be great as there are nearly no clouds in the sky. If there are some, they are white puffy and rare. When it comes to the hottest days, you can even enjoy the cooling down effect of these rare clouds.

hottest days
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Though the official walking season in Gran Canaria ends in May, June is still good for heading up into the Cumbers. The sun is not at full power when it comes to mountainous areas, but is always better to apply a sunscreen, especially if you have a pale skin. Due to the thin air at the top, your skin can burn quickly and for sure you do not need that. One more advice is to plan you walk in the early morning to come back before the midday and to escape the top heat.

One of the most popular destination is June is Las Palmas. The weather here is warm, sometimes even hot and you can sunbath without summer clouds that will come here in July. The best time to spend in the beach starts in the morning and lasts till the afternoon. Still, early mornings are great to spend a couple of hours shopping or visiting some places of cultural interest.

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