Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in July

July is one of the hottest months in Gran Canaria. Though the average height of temperature is about 27°C, it can increase up to 37°C. Nevertheless, people from all across the Europe come to enjoy the island during this period. What is more, July is considered to be one of the busiest months of the year for Gran Canaria Island.

On average, a daytime temperature is about 23°C. Still, it cools down to 20°C after dark. The hottest period of the month belongs to its final week. There are no rains in July at all. To be exact, rains are as rare as hen’s teeth.

desert winds known as calima can happen any time of the year
Image by Miguel R Perez Rivas from Pixabay

Though desert winds known as calima can happen any time of the year, the increasing temperatures make such conditions extremely uncomfortable for vacation. To avoid them, it is better to stick to the coast of the island where such phenomenon is rare in comparison to the other areas of the Gran Canaria Island.

July in Gran Canaria offers about 10 hours of sunshine every day. Though the sky can be quite cloudy, you will enjoy these rare clouds as they will help you to cool down during hot days on the beach. Still, do not worry about blocked sunshine. Most of the days will be clear and bright. If there are some clouds, thy will not take more than 30% of the sky so you can still enjoy your sunbathing.

July is also perfect for swimming
Image by J. Ketelaars from Pixabay

July is also perfect for swimming. Though the waters are not as warm as they are in September or October, 22°C is far enough for spending a lot of time in the water. Still, be careful while swimming as July can bring some strong waves.

If you are looking for a holiday to spend lying on the beach, July is a perfect time to visit Cran Canaria Island.

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