Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in January

If you want to visit Gran Canaria Island and to escape the heat, January is a great time to do it. The weather in January is pleasantly warm and sunny. The average temperature is 18°C. It does not matter if you come to explore the island at the beginning, middle or at the end of the month – you will be able to enjoy the warm weather. The average height during the daytime is 21°C, while in the evenings the lowest and the coolest average is 15°C. The highest temperature registered is 29.5°C, the lowest – 8°C.

weather in January is pleasantly warm and sunny
Image by Hans from Pixabay

Nevertheless January is a winter month, you can still enjoy the sunshine. The sun shines about six hours a day in general. Still, the sky will be partly cloudy. In average, the clouds coverage of the shy can be subdivided into three main periods: 39% of the daytime you will be able to enjoy the clear sky, 31% of the daytime it will be partly cloudy and about 22% of the daytime belongs to the cloudiest period. Though the month is pretty cloudy, you will still have enough time to soak up the sun.

While the water temperature above 18°C is considered to be good for swimming, In January it usually makes about 19°C. Though we can not say that the waters in winter period are warm in Gran Canaria, you still can enjoy refreshing swimming.

When it comes to rainfalls, January is considered to be the second wettest month in Gran Canaria. Still, it does not mean that it rains all day long during this period. The maximum of rainy days ever registered in January is 19. The end of the month is usually considered to be the best time to come, as it has most of the sunshine and nearly no rains.

comes to rainfalls
Image by Fifaliana Joy from Pixabay

Even if you come to Gran Canaria when it is raining, do not panic. In average, the rainfall will not last longer than 30 minutes. Shortly after, you will see the sun in the sky and nearly no clouds. It means that the fact that you have all chances to experience a shower during you vacation in January, a good weather will stay with you as well.

When it comes to humidity, despite the sub-tropical climate, Gran Canaria Island is rarely overly humid. Mostly, January is mildly humid, so you will feel pretty comfortable. The most humidity belongs to the beginning of the month (to be exact, the first 4 days), while its end usually is the driest (from January 28th).

When it comes to the wind, January usually sees the very little wind. If we compare Gran Canaria to the other Canary Islands, it is the calmest and the most welcoming. Wind speeds here usually range between light wind (1 m/s) and fresh breeze (9 m/s). Rarely, it can increase to 12 m/s that considered being a strong breeze.

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