Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in August

August in Gran Canaria is so hot, that using this word once is not enough. It is hot, hot, and hot! Still, the island is filled with tourists from all across the Europe and some other parts of the world, who come here to get the desired tan and to enjoy warm waters of the ocean.

The average temperature for August is 27ºC, meaning that the hottest days can reach 40ºC. Nights are quite hot as well; the temperature cools down to 22ºC. When it comes to beaches, most days the temperature is minimum 30ºC. The sun shines for nearly 10 hours a day, so August can warm up even the coldest hearts.

August can warm up even the coldest hearts
Image by Counselling from Pixabay

Though there are usually 0% of rainfalls in August, 2015 showed that there are always some exceptions: it was a rainy month that saw even some storms. Maybe, it is time to think once again about the global warming and the effect it brings.

If you wonder what makes people come to Gran Canaria in August when the heat gets to its top, the answer is warm waters of the ocean. It is one of the best periods to enjoy swimming and some other water activities, as the average temperature reaches 23ºC.

planning your trip to Gran Canaria in August
Image by iphotoklick from Pixabay

If you are planning your trip to Gran Canaria in August, you have to plan everything carefully and to avoid the midday sun. It is so hot here, that you will probably need a shade, a hat, a thick layer of a sunscreen and a plenty of water not to get burned and to avoid dehydration. If you have a pale skin, the list above is a must, especially when it comes to a daytime period from 10.30 to 15.00.

The best part of the heat in August is its warm evenings. You can spend the whole evening on the beach listening to the calming and relaxing sounds of the ocean, enjoying cooling breeze and the warmth of sands after the daytime heat. Yes, August evenings in Gran Canaria feel like paradise.

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