Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather in Gran Canaria in April

April in Gran Canaria is a perfect time to come and to explore the beauty of the island along with enjoying perfect conditions for swimming and sunbathing. The tiny amount of winter chill in the air leaves the island that warms up for the hot summer period.

The average day temperature is about 22ºC, but when it comes to visiting beaches, the temperature can reach up to 30ºC. In combination with the 19ºC temperature of refreshing waters, April becomes the perfect month for vacation. Still, if you come to Gran Canaria for a family vacation in April, it is better to focus on beaches in shallow areas, as the water temperature there is much warmer.

family vacation in April
Image by adamkontor from Pixabay

April in Gran Canaria sees nearly no rainy days. On average, it rains for just one day during this month. What is more, the island will offer you to enjoy the sun for nearly 8 hours every day. April is a month with a soft and delicate weather. It is best for those who do not like summer heat but still want to enjoy a lot of sunshine and warmth. April is known as the last month of spring in Gran Canaria. Yes, you are right; the spring period here starts in the middle of March and lasts till the end of April. It is quite short, but no doubt is lovely and enjoyable. So if you want to catch the spring, April is the best time to do it.

If you want to see the island from a famous song “surrounded by beaches and covered in flowers”, come to Gran Canaria in April. Flowers all over the island go crazy during this period, allowing you to enjoy a great variety of colors and to smell the fresh blossom. The top of the island looks like a canary – it is covered with yellow broom flowers. Actually, you will see them everywhere outside the resorts.

smell the fresh blossom
Image by Hans from Pixabay

If you come to Gran Canaria in April for hiking, you are on the right track of getting the best experience. Enjoy the good weather and lovely nature at its best! Just note that even though the weather is warm most days in mountains, extra layers are still required.

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